Classy Writers

Classical Writers

February, 2021

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Please respond to the following questions based upon these course

Essay Guideline: Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives: Explain the significance of microbiology. Describe microbial growth processes.

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

Explain the significance of microbiology.

Describe microbial growth processes.
Examine the control of microbial growth.

Evaluate laboratory safety and aseptic technique.
Interpret experimental results.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.
For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.

Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to a professional application.
Reflect back on your journey through this course and answer the following:

Firstly, what are microbes and what is their relation to infectious disease?
Secondly, what defenses does the human body have to combat infectious disease?

Also, what are some treatments associated with the microbes that cause infectious disease?
More so, what infectious disease in the Infectious

Disease Profile Series intrigued you the most? Why?

What topic in the course did you find most interesting and applicable?
Thoughts on your learning in the course?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Please review post and response expectations.

Also, please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets criteria.
Cite any resources/references in APA formatting that were used in the discussion – if applicable.

More Details:


Micro-organisms and their activities are vitally important to virtually all processes on Earth. Micro-organisms matter because they affect every aspect of our lives – they are in us, on us and around us.

Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye.

This includes bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, prions, protozoa and algae, collectively known as ‘microbes’.

These microbes play key roles in nutrient cycling, biodegradation/biodeterioration, climate change, food spoilage, the cause and control of disease, and biotechnology.

Thanks to their versatility, microbes can be put to work in many ways: making life-saving drugs, the manufacture of biofuels, cleaning up pollution, and producing/processing food and drink.


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Forecasting Returns and Economic Activity The firm we are using

Forecasting Returns and Economic Activity The firm we are using is Disney. all data must be about Disney. Using monthly data, what is the relationship between your firm and economic activity?

Forecasting Returns and Economic Activity The firm we are using is Disney.

Forecasting Returns and Economic Activity
The firm we are using is Disney. all data must be about Disney
1) .Using monthly data, what is the relationship between your firm and economic activity?

Inflation, employment growth industrial production and unemployment?

Can they predict economic activity or does economic activity predict it? Use and discuss Granger Causality.
2) Forecast inflation using a distributed lag of unemployment. Forecast unemployment using a distributed lag of inflation. Discuss the regression.

Additionally, Forecast inflation using past lags and an ARDL model. Repeat for unemployment.
What is AIC? Does inflation granger cause unemployment?

Lastly, unemployment granger cause inflation?

More Details:

Assessing the current situation

In addition, an important starting point in the forecasting process is the re-assessment of the economic climate in individual countries and the world economy as a whole.

More so, here, a combination of model-based analyses and statistical indicator models play an important role in “setting the scene” at the start of each projection round.

Also, a first step is to look at the range of relevant new information since the last projections were produced.

such as changes in commodity prices (in particular the oil price),

exchange rates and interest rates, fiscal trends, the path of economic activity and other key variables

to see how the recent past has developed differently from what was previously expected.

Also, with this new information, and using the previous set of projections as a starting point.

The effects of the new elements and revised judgments are typically assessed on the basis of model simulations using the NIGEM global model and short-term indicator models.

Thus the likely impact of combined and individual changes in assumptions and new information on key aggregates can be assesse d in consistent fashion for each of the major economies and economic groupings.

Lastly, these results are mechanical and therefore intende d to be no more than a guide to the informed judgments of country and topic experts on the underlying “forces acting”.


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State the “who, what, where, when” of the performance

Paragraph One: Introduction State the “who, what, where, when” of the performance. Briefly describe the company and the choreographer.

State the “who, what, where, when” of the performance

A critique is a statement of your point of view. You should develop your ideas so that the reader can visualize and understand the dance as you observed the performance.
In the upper left hand corner of your paper put your name, professor’s name, title of course, and the due date.

The title of your paper should be centered. Please NO COVER SHEET.
Your paper should be a five paragraph essay, typed in MLA format, size 12 Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Make sure to proofread and make necessary revisions.

You will be graded on format, spelling, and grammar. Remember that there are resources available to you on campus to assist in writing.

Paragraph One: Introduction
State the “who, what, where, when” of the performance. Briefly describe the company and the choreographer.
Paragraph Two: Description
Describe one dance in detail. This paragraph should communicate how the dance looked and sounded.

Be aware of space, levels, shapes, rhythm, time and dynamics. Look for interrelationships among the movement, such as: repetition and variation of the movement theme, organization into clear sections, and the relationships of the dancers. How does the dance relate to the audience?

Is the energy projected out or does it draw the spectator in? What are the costumes, lighting, accompaniment, and stage atmosphere?
Refer to your “Performance Checklist.”

Paragraph Three: Analysis

This is your interpretation of the dance. State the dance genre and style (remember
that many contemporary choreographers combine different styles).

Determine the choreographer’s intent. Is the dance narrative, non-narrative, improvisation, or abstract?

Do you believe that the choreographer chose to allow the medium of movement to be the message or does the movement
tell a story or convey a specific message or statement?

Paragraph Four: Evaluation
In addition, this paragraph conveys how well the choreographer fulfilled his/her intent. Your
personal opinion and judgment is the basis for this paragraph. Was the dance successful?

Why or why not? Was the choreographer successful in communicating an overall idea?

Were the dancers technically proficient at performing the work?

How did the lighting, set design, costumes, and music enhance or diminish the dance?

Although your opinions are important here, be aware of your own biases. Be specific in supporting your likes and
Paragraph Five: Context/ Conclusion
Finally, how does this dance concert relate to your experiences in this class?

Secondly, how does this dance concert connect to other dance performances that you have experienced or learned?

Also, how does it connect to dance history and current trends of dance making? Would you recommend this performance to others?

Would you attend more performances by this company or by other dance companies in the future?

Lastly, how did this experience affect your ideas about dance as an art form?


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Use a checklist that allows you to assess the classroom environment

Guideline: Use a checklist that allows you to assess the classroom environment and the use of developmentally appropriate practices and materials.

Use a checklist that allows you to assess the classroom environment

Use a checklist that allows you to assess the classroom environment and the use of developmentally appropriate practices and materials.

Spend some time in an early childhood education environment evaluating what you see happening and the way the classroom is organized.

You may search for an existing checklist used in state or national evaluations, or create your own from existing ones.

Remember to focus on the environment, which includes physical set-up and how the teacher sets expectations and models respectful treatment of others, or how the teacher encourages students to understand ideas from different perspectives.

Then create a report in which you:

Explain how the assessment was appropriate for the environment being assessed and evaluate what you found (include the checklist).

Offer suggestions about what you would change to improve the learning environment for both students and teachers.

If you were a school administrator, how might you address these issues with a teacher? Are there professional development opportunities for teachers that would improve the learning environment?

Identify other questions about early childhood education environments raised by your observation that would require further study or research to answer.

What interests you about these questions and why are they important?

Also, the checklist that I chose is the ECERS checklist for a Kindergarten classroom. I’ve attached the checklist format down below.

More Details:

In addition, how many of us have been formally traine d to teach students living with adverse childhood experiences? When we ask this question throughout the U.S., few educators raise their hand.

However, according to the National Survey of Children’s Health, almost half of all U.S. children have experienced one or more types of serious adversity such as abuse, neglect, parental loss, or mental illness.



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Genetic risks to identify current and future health problems

Essay Guideline: Conduct a health history, including environmental exposure and a family history that recognizes genetic risks to identify current and future health problems

Genetic risks to identify current and future health problems

1. Firstly, conduct a health history, including environmental exposure and a family history that     recognizes genetic risks to identify current and future health problems.
2. Secondly, summarize how the genogram and ecomap assist family assessment.
3.Thirdly, describe four conceptual frameworks that can be use d to assess a family.

4. Utilize assessment tools to facilitate the family assessment process.
5. Discuss trends in family function and structure.
You can use diabetes and hypertension
Form to use is uploaded.

More Details:

3 Genetics and Health
In addition, although there are many possible causes of human disease, family history is often one of the strongest risk factors for common disease complexes such as cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and psychiatric illnesses.

A person inherits a complete set of genes from each parent, as well as a vast array of cultural and socioeconomic experiences from his/her family.

Family history is thought to be a good predictor of an individual’s disease risk because family members most closely represent the unique genomic and environmental interactions that an individual experiences (Kardia et al., 2003).

Inherited genetic variation within families clearly contributes both directly and indirectly to the pathogenesis of disease.

This chapter focuses on what is known or theorized about the direct link between genes and health and what still must be explored in order to understand the environmental interactions and relative roles among genes that contribute to health and illness.


For more than 100 years, human geneticists have been studying how variations in genes contribute to variations in disease risk.

These studies have taken two approaches. The first approach focuses on identifying the
individual genes with variations that give rise to simple Mendelian patterns of disease inheritance (e.g.,

autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked) (see Table 3-1; Mendelian Inheritance in Man).

Lastly, the second approach seeks to understand the genetic susceptibility to disease as the con sequence of the joint effects
of many genes. Each of these approaches will be discusse d below


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For this programming assignment you will be re-using portions

Assignment Content: For this programming assignment you will be re-using portions of your code from the last assignment as a starting point. You are to create a new DateFileTest class that uses the existing Date Class for the following:

For this programming assignment you will be re-using portions

Assignment Content: For this programming assignment you will be re-using portions of your code from the last assignment as a starting point. You are to create a new DateFileTest class that uses the existing Date Class for the following:

Instead of bringing in dates from a user, you will be bringing in dates from a text file.
You should use the existing Date class to create date objects from file inputs

The data in the file is provided in alternating formats in order from MM/DD/YYYY to

Month name, DD, YYYY (just those two formats to simplify the input handling and verification).

Spaces are used in the file as delimiters between integers and strings in the date format.

You will use the file provided here: dates in multiple formats.txt
Your code is to handle exceptions for the following situations;
the file is not found or can’t be opened, in which case the program informs the user and ends.
the month is not a valid month (between 1-12), using a try/catch block

the year is not a valid year (assume between 1800-2020 is valid, using a try/catch

block) the entry is not a valid month name (must start with a capital and be spelled correctly as a string)

If any of these exceptions occur, your program must disregard that specific date, output an error message to the display, NOT write that specific date to the file, and continue to move on to process the rest of the data in the file.

Also, your program will create a new text file and write dates out to that file. You will write out all 3 formats (with appropriate / and , delimiters) to the file for each date read in from the file.

Your program files must include a program header that includes your name, course discussion section, and program description.

Well structured and commented code are expected.

Your submission must include all program files, output text file, and execution screenshots showing your messages from error handling.

Lastly, submissions without all the files will not receive a grade and no late submissions will be accepted.


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Describe the various dissociative disorders, their prevalence,

Essay Guideline: Describe the various dissociative disorders, their prevalence, etiology, symptoms, and treatments APA 7th edition, references cannot be older than 5 years. Use Pregabalin, a GABA analogue that inhibits the release of excitatory

Describe the various dissociative disorders, their prevalence, etiology, symptoms

Describe the various dissociative disorders, their prevalence, etiology, symptoms, and treatments APA 7th edition, references cannot be older than 5 years.

Use Pregabalin, a GABA analogue that inhibits the release of excitatory neurotransmitters, has demonstrated efficacy for GADPregabalin,

a GABA analogue that inhibits the release of excitatory neurotransmitters, has demonstrated efficacy for gabbards treatment of psychiatry 5th edition and stahls psychopharmacology 4th edition for refences.

see below a peers assignment, please use this as reference only.
here are various Dissociative disorders for instance:

Dissociative Amnesia,

Depersonalization disorder and Dissociative identity disorder.

Dissociation Amnesia.

Car et The main symptom is difficulty remembering important information about one’s self.

Dissociative amnesia may surround a particular event, such as combat or abuse, or more rarely, information about identity and life history.

The onset for an amnesic episode is usually sudden, and an episode can last minutes, hours, days, or, rarely, months or years.

There is no average for age onset or percentage, and a person may experience multiple episodes throughout her life.
Depersonalization disorder.

This disorder involves ongoing feelings of detachment from actions, feelings, thoughts and sensations as if they are watching a movie (depersonalization).

Sometimes other people and things may feel like people and things in the world around them are unreal (derealization).

A person may experience depersonalization, derealization or both. Symptoms can last just a matter of moments or return at times over the years.

The average onset age is 16, although depersonalization episodes can start anywhere from early to mid childhood. Less than 20% of people with this disorder start experiencing episodes after the age of 20.

Dissociative identity disorder. Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, this disorder is characterized by alternating between multiple identities.

A person may feel like one or more voices are trying to take control in their head.

Often these identities may have unique names, characteristics, mannerisms and voices. People with DID will experience gaps in memory of every day events, personal information and trauma.

Women are more likely to be diagnosed, as they more frequently present with acute dissociative symptoms.

Men are more likely to deny symptoms and trauma histories, and commonly exhibit more violent behavior, rather than amnesia or fugue states.

This can lead to elevated false negative diagnosis. (Sar. Et al, ( 2017)

In a study conducted by Lysseno et al among a representative female sample from the general population of Sivas City a town in central-eastern Turkey the lifetime prevalence of all Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), dissociative disorders was 18.3%.

A separate study conducted among both genders in the same town (N = 994) showed that 2 times more women than men had elevated Dissociative Experiences Scale scores.

In a 2006 study conducted in the community of New York State (NYS),
the prevalence was 9.1% for all dissociative disorders observed in the past year (N = 658).

Lastly, the latter study did not identify a significant difference between women and men (8.6% and 9.7%, respectively (2017)


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 Appraise holistic assessment data on patients with co-morbid

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s): NU416-4: Appraise holistic assessment data on patients with co-morbid chronic illness across the lifespan,

 Appraise holistic assessment data on patients with co-morbid chronic illness

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):
NU416-4: Appraise holistic assessment data on patients with co-morbid chronic illness across the lifespan, including symptom recognition and self-care strategies.

As the first step in the nursing process, assessment is very important for those with chronic illness and comorbid conditions.

Traditional physical assessments involve the collection of objective and subjective data that relate to a client’s physiological health, but many other factors influence the health of those with chronic illness.

For this Clinical Practice Experience Assignment, you will prepare a paper that illustrates the importance of screening tools to support a holistic assessment of those with chronic and comorbid conditions.

You will describe the results of your completed assessment.
Create your Assignment in accordance with the Holistic Assessment Guide and using the Holistic Assessment Template located under Course Documents.

Complete the Clinical Practice Experience Log located under Course Documents to include with your final submission. Minimum Submission Requirements

This Assessment should be a Microsoft Word (minimum of Parts 1-3) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.

Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions.

Firstly, your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focuse d.

Secondly, your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.

Thirdly, your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
Your writing should be well ordere d, logical and unifie d, as well as original and insightful.

A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format.

Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations were appropriate and reference all sources.

Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the APA formatting and citation style found in the Writing Center.

To access the Writing Center, select this link. (It should include a cover sheet, paper is double space d,

in Times New Roman 12-point font, correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references at the bottom of the last page.)


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Undertake a traditional research paper on any aspect of critical theory

Undertake a traditional research paper on any aspect of critical theory in relation to art. You could investigate the work of a single artist, an exhibition, or a particular

Undertake a traditional research paper on any aspect of critical theory in relation to art

Write an approximately 250-word abstract (initial proposal/summary) discussing your initial idea for a final project related to one of the options below.

Undertake a traditional research paper on any aspect of critical theory in relation to art. You could investigate the work of a single artist, an exhibition, or a particular
issue, theme, or theoretical debate.

Curate a “virtual” (or maybe actual) thematic exhibition focusing on a theory about art (e.g. Systems Aesthetics, The Death of the Author, etc.).

You should create an exhibition proposal (and employ roughly the same format). In it, mention a selection of the works you plan to include

3. Create an artistic research project/or lecture-performance. You will need to produce work and text investigating or illustrating a particular theoretical or philosophical issue.

More so, for examples of artistic research, see or

Also, for a lecture-performances see Our Literal Speed, NEVERMADE – 2014, (INTRO Clip),, or Ryan Gander, Loose Associations X see

The abstract/proposal should include the elements below:

1)Firstly,  the research topic you plan to investigate (mention some works you will discuss)
2) Secondly, an initial thesis that you hope to prove in the paper/ project/ with the exhibition

3) Additionally, some initial thoughts or findings on the topic
4) Also, a brief summary of possible questions you will address in the final paper/ project/ exhibition
5) a title (that is specific, not generic)

6) More so, how your topic relates to prior scholarship/ exhibitions on the topic you have found or broader trends in scholarship.

It is OK–even expected–for your project to change as it develops. I will provide you with feedback and further reading suggestions.

Additionally (and these do not count towards the word count), Include two or three possible sources for your bibliography as well (cite Chicago style;


Lastly, these should be academic journal articles, articles of art “trade journals” (e.g. Art in America or Artforum, etc.), statements written by artists, or e-books


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Patient Diagnosis Case Study Asthma Complete the case study 

Patient Diagnosis Case Study Asthma: Complete the case study by answering the questions associated with the scenario. Nancy Smith, a 35-year-old female, presents with an asthma exacerbation.

Patient Diagnosis Case Study Asthma Complete the case study

Patient Diagnosis Case Study Asthma
Complete the case study by answering the questions associated with the scenario.
Nancy Smith, a 35-year-old female, presents with an asthma exacerbation. She has had asthma since she was a child for which she was hospitalized several times. Her asthma was well controlled until the past couple of years.

She has been seen in urgent care a few times over the past year (most recently 4 months ago) and was given a prescription for an inhaled steroid (she never filled), albuterol inhaler, and oral steroids.

She had eczema as a child and received allergy shots for many years. Her asthma symptoms flared again 2 weeks ago, and she has been using her albuterol 4 to 5 times/day.

She reports that she is very short of breath when climbing stairs or when walking to
the mailbox. She has had nighttime coughing spells every day during the past week and has had to prop up herself up on pillows to breathe.

She indicates that she has had similar previous flares in the past.
Health information:
• Meds: Proair HFA, Claritin, Flonase prn.
• Spirometry:
Firstly,  FEV1: 61%
Secondly, FVC: 88%
Also, FEV1/FVC ratio: 69%
Lastly, Pulse ox: 93% on RA

Based on the scenario provided, fully inform your patient and explain their diagnosis.
Use UpToDate located in the University Library to search for and locate the most current evidence-based guidelines to answer the following questions.

Overall Health and Pathophysiology

1. Firstly, discuss the pathophysiology of asthma, including the 3 core defects.

2. Secondly, explain the significance of“atopy” and“one continuous airway” applying Nancy’s scenario
3. Thirdly, interpret her spirometry results by defining and analyzing each value (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC ratio) individually.
4. Also, classify Nancy’s asthma. Which of the 4 categories (intermittent, persistent—mild, persistent or moderate, persistent—severe) does she fall under? Explain your justification.

Asthma Management

5. Is Nancy’s asthma being managed properly? Justify your response.
6. What is the value in performing this spirometry on Nancy when she already has a known diagnosis of asthma?
7. Lastly, discuss the patient education you would provide and how you would specifically tailor your information to Nancy to
facilitate compliance and understanding


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