Classy Writers

Classical Writers

August, 2011

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Interview a Latina and reflect on her experiences in the US with 1 of the following topics: family dynamics, religion, education,




Interview a Latina and reflect on her experiences in the US with 1 of the following topics: family dynamics, religion, education, politics, health, the labor market, mass media, and the arts.please see attachments for the professors instructions.

  Suggestions for Structuring Your Interview While every interview requires a somewhat different structure, certain principles and techniques are applicable to all.

Each interviewing schedule should have the following three major parts: (1) the opening; (2) the body; (3) the closing. The opening should always make the respondent/interviewee feel welcomed and relaxed. In addition, the opening should clearly indicate the objectives of the interview and make it clear what topic areas will be addressed. Finally, the opening should indicate the expected length of the interview.