Classy Writers

Classical Writers

March, 2018

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The US economic system doesn’t allow poverty Blog Assignment

This is the website that need to be summarized :- Please get a quote from the article in the summery Description: The summary should clearly explain the major issues or points of the article. Remember that a reader who has not heard about your news event should be able to read your summary and understand what happened. Your classmates will be reading these blog entries and should have a clear grasp on the event after reading your summary. After the summary, you should include a brief response. In this response you can connect the news story to a specific reading or concept we’ve discussed in class, or you can discuss how this article changed your understanding or view on the course theme. 

The Sun Also Rises analysis

Analysis of the book The sun Also Rises – 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to possible reforms in the Texas Judicial System?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to possible reforms in the Texas Judicial System? How does Texas compare to other states in terms of selecting judges, campaign contributions to judges, court structure, pay, and diversity of judges? Compare Texas to other states in terms of the death penalty, prison population, and sentencing? What are your opinions about the Texas system? 

Ethical Branding in Franchising- Explain brand relationship management in accordance with ethical issues

Please answer these 5 questions based on the information from the Chapter pages attached!!!! 1 Explain brand relationship management in accordance with ethical issues. 2 Discuss the components of brand relationship quality in relation to ethical principles. 3 Analyze brand citizenship behaviors in connection with ethical issues. 4 Discuss the interactions between brand equity and ethics. 5 Reflect on the importance of ethical branding in franchising.

Understanding your emotional triggers

One page assignment that you have to write about different situation and reflect about in one short sentence