Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Mathematics; meaningful use of symbols


PART I – Mathematics

Reading: Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2013). Meaningful use of symbols. In Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally, pg. 262-270




·         Why is the symbol = so often misunderstood?




·         Why is it important for students to have a proper understanding of it?





·         What are the two ways in which variables are usually used? Explain the difference between them, using examples if necessary.








Reading: Carpenter, T. E., Franke, M. L., & Levi, L. (2003). Equations with multiple variables and repeated variables. In Thinking Mathematically, pg. 65-77.




On pages 73-74, the authors describe the solution strategies of two students, Susan and Erika.


·         For each of the following number sentences and explain in detail how Susan would solve it using her trial-and-error strategy, and then explain in detail how Erika would solve the same problem using her strategy of reasoning with the properties of equality (RELATIONAL THINKING).




o   3×h=20-h


o   25+3×k=5×k-7




·         Consider the following number equation:      p+4=p+7


How would Susan solve this problem? How would Erika solve this problem? What would each student would conclude about the solution of this problem?



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