Classy Writers

Classical Writers

What made Native American communities different than the Europeans who began arriving in the 15th and 16th century?

Your paper should be a 12 point font, with 1” margins all around. Please use footnotes1, not parenthetical citations (historians use Chicago Style, not MLA). ou may use outside sources, but be certain those outside sources are credible; likewise, be certain to cite them appropriately, giving the name, title of the publication, and the source (book, journal, or website if found on the internet). Prompt: Prior to European contact, North America featured a number of various tribes and vibrant societies. In a short essay, outline the major cultures that can be found across North America. What made Native American communities different than the Europeans who began arriving in the 15th and 16th century? Specifically thinking about the American colonies, was this an inevitable clash of cultures, or were there opportunities and chances to reconcile these two communities?

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