Classy Writers

Classical Writers

The Conscientious Objector (Ethics & the Situational, Social & Cognitive Factors)

1. VIRTUE ETHICS: How did Desmond exhibit Virtue Ethics? (e.g., courage? …transparency? …perseverance? … reliability? … trustworthiness? …what else?). Please research and describe a newsworthy story in which a businessperson exhibited virtue ethics in a similar manner. Please cite scholarly sources to support your ideas. 2. DEONTOLOGY / DUTY THEORY: Desmond’s “explicit values” flowed very much from his deontological ethics; he thereby focused on the rightness or wrongness of his actions themselves, as opposed to the rightness or wrongness of the consequences. Describe how he utilized deontological ethics (e.g., ethical and/or religious commandments) to inform his behaviors. Please research and describe a newsworthy story in which a businessperson exhibited deontological ethics in a similar manner. Please cite scholarly sources to support your ideas. 3. When did he _not_ act consistently with the ethical and/or religious commandments to which he subscribed? What is your assessment of the scenarios when he did _not_ act consistently? 4. What were the short-term consequences for maintaining his integrity (i.e. integrity can be defined as the quality of being honest & having strong moral principles; moral uprightness; the state of being whole & undivided)? 5. What were the long-term consequences of maintaining his integrity? 6. How did he use moral imagination to enlist & serve his country, without giving in to moral temptation? 7. How did he avoid ethical fading, despite the tremendous pressure he faced in the army culture? (e.g., how did he ensure he had “thoughts during judgment” each and every day?) 8. Please describe how Desmond did subscribe to Utilitarian Ethics. Please research and describe a newsworthy story in which a businessperson exhibited utilitarian ethics in a similar manner. Please cite scholarly sources to support your ideas. 9. Please describe how Desmond did _not_ subscribe to Utilitarian Ethics. 10. As a business professional, how might this story inform your ethical frameworks?


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