Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Recommended Dietary Allowances Daily Energy Requirements

This essay entails a reserch paper on the human body Recommended Dietary Allowances usedin calculating Daily Energy Requirements. Recommended Dietary Allowances is the amount of calories required in the body for a certain period.

Recommended Dietary Allowances Daily Energy Requirements

Firstly, for this assignment, you will record your diet for three days and then average the nutrient content from those three days. You will then compare your actual three-day average with the RDA goals and other dietary guidelines.

Also, record everything you eat or drink for three consecutive days. At least one of these days must be a on a weekend, as we tend to eat differently on the weekends. Please eat as you would normally, because we are trying to get an accurate picture of your eating patterns. The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) is the suggested levels of intake for a variety of important nutrients.

Secondly, calculate your daily Energy Requirements. To estimate your daily energy requirements, please visit You will need to click on “Interactive Tools” and then “Daily Food Plan”.

Thirdly, write a summary addressing each Macronutrient, including the name of the macronutrient, its function and recommended amounts. 2. Micronutrients: 3. Write a summary addressing each Micronutrient, including the name of the micronutrient, its function and recommended amounts. Please include calcium, iron, potassium, the B vitamins, Vitamin A and C. Discuss the functions of the digestive process.

Forthly, iscuss the significance of food additives and food safety.Summarize of your caloric intake and discuss the adjustments you could make, if any. For example, are you eating more calories than allowed by

Also, please write a paragraph for each of the following. If you were adjusting your diet for a person with cardiovascular disease, what would you modify? If you were adjusting your diet for a person with cancer.

Lastly, what are the modifications? If you were adjusting your diet for a person with diabetes, what are the modifications? If you were consulting a senior, what areas concern you?


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