Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Needs Assessment Proposal

I have attached three powerpoints material that might be helpful to complete this assignment. Please adhere to the instructions in it’s entirely for this assignment very carefully. All parts of this assignment must be headed. Also to complete this assignment you must have 5 research articles to back up your claims. The length of the paper should be about 8 pages. The whole paper must be written following APA style. Please use at least 5 research articles to back up your claims in this paper. Below you will find the full instructions for this assignment. 1. You will design and implement a needs assessment study. 2. You will write the objectives of needs assessment study and describe methods for undertaking it. 3. You will discuss any challenges or validity concerns in the chosen methodology. 4. Be realistic and remember to consider the cost of your design. 5. Identify and Describe the Sociodemographic Profile of a Specific Community. You can use census data to sketch out the profile of this community (this section can be completed in 2-3 paragraphs not to exceed one page). 6. Conduct a Literature Review of Challenges Associated with this Community (You can review both empirical and anecdotal evidence in this section; the length of this section can be 2-3pages) 7. Based on this literature review, outline the objectives of your needs assessment (1/2 page to 1 page length). 8. Propose and justify a methodology for meeting the objectives of your proposed needs assessment (make sure to discuss chosen research design, sampling/respondent recruitment, instrumentation, data collection, data analysis, and ethical considerations) (2-3 pages). 9. Discuss expected strengths and methodological/practical challenges/limitations of your proposed study (including cost) associated with your proposed needs assessment (1 page). 10. What do you anticipate to be the practice, policy, and future research implications of your study? (1 page) 11. In Appendices, provide questionnaire and/or interview protocol that you will use to collect data. The length of the paper should be approximately 8 double-spaced pages excluding title page, references, and appendices. The whole paper must be written following APA style and include title page, abstract, and headings. I would recommend that you use the instructions on this guide to develop the headings in your paper. Please use at least 5 research articles to back up your claims in this paper. You should try to back up your claims where possible with sources/evidence throughout the paper. Please attach all research articles used.

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