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Classical Writers

Introduction to Public Policy: Explain the concept of dead weight loss

 Introduction to Public Policy: Thinking about the basic tools for making inferences about social welfare, explain the concept of dead weight loss using a simple example. Then, illustrate dead weight loss with respect to the minimum wage issue.

Introduction to Public Policy: Explain the concept of dead weight loss using a simple example

 Introduction to Public Policy

 Part A: Answer each of the following three questions in one or two paragraphs.

1- Thinking about the basic tools for making inferences about social welfare, explain the concept of dead weight loss using a simple example.

Then, illustrate dead weight loss with respect to the minimum wage issue.

2- Public Policy decisions must account for four kinds of uncertainty. Briefly describe at least three of the types of uncertainty discuss in your text , using examples.

3- Step 5 in the policy process is assessing political landscape in that context, define and discuss framing when it comes to the abortion debate.

Part B: Answer each of the following questions in one to four sentences.

1- With respect two measures of central tendency, the mean and the median, what is the effect of an outlier? use simple examples.

2- In the context of public policy issues, What is the difference between indicators and indexes? Use simple examples.

3- Where we observe multicollinearity in a multiple regression analysis, two of our independent variable, x-1 and x-4, are so highly correlated they’re almost indistinguishable with respect to their relationship with our independently (y) variable. Why is that a problem.

4- Briefly and succinctly differentiate for profit, non profit, and government institutions.

5- What is the difference between horizontal equity and vertical equity? 6- With respect to the null hypothesis, differentiate between type l errors and type ll errors

7- What is status-quo bias?

8- What is shadow pricing? In the relation to shadow pricing. What is the purpose of identifying revealed preferences?

9- What is a transaction cost?

10- What is the simplest definition of productivity? —— Juveniles and the Legal Process

Part A: Answer each of the following questions in one or two paragraphs.

1- There competing theories in the field of criminology. Explain the differences between the classical school and the Positivistic school.

2- Explain the social control theories that account for delinquency, including containment, Hirschi’s theory, and self control theory.

3- Discuss, describe the extent of, and provide examples of the four types of bullying.

Part B: Answer each of the following questions is one to four sentences.

1- What distinguishes a status offense from other types of offenses.

2- What are the five techniques of neutralization identified by Sykes and Matza?

What do they allow a juvenile who commits a delinquent act to do?

3- What does the term “divestiture” mean?

4- What does “broken windows” policing emphasize?

5- What are the two different approaches to juvenile representation that attorneys in the juvenile justice system practice? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

6- What’s community service sentencing?

7- One proposal for reforming juvenile court is the idea of restorative justice juvenile court. What would be the focus and role of this court?

8- What’s the systemic violence caused by drugs?

9- What does the term “statutory exclusion” mean regarding whether a juvenile’s case is heard in juvenile or adult court?

10- List Klein and Maxson’s five gangs types. Which types are the most common? —— Criminology ——

Part A: Answer each of the following questions in a short paragraph.

1- What are some of the issues and cautions that arise when studying victim data?

2- Explain the differences between culturally violent offenders, criminally violent offenders, and situationally violent offenders, and give examples of each.

Part B: Answer each of the following questions in one to three sentences.

1- One major shortcoming of official police statistics, such as the UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting) Program, is that they fail to account for undiscovered or unreported crime.

What research tool is used to collect data on undiscovered and unreported crime, and how is it used?

2- Explain the difference between serial murder, mass murder, and spree murder.

3- Explain the similarities and differences between streetwalkers and call girls.

4- What are the differences among wanton vandalism, predatory vandalism, and vindictive vandalism?

5- Identify some problems researchers face in examining occupational crime. 6- What are androcentric Eurocentric biases in criminology?

Part A: Answer each of the following questions in one or two paragraphs.

1- Discuss the factors parole boards weigh in deciding whether to grant parole

2- Discuss important features of the Elmira Reformatory that brought it high praise around the world.

3- How have unintended consequences of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill affected corrections?

Part B: Answer each of the following questions in one to four sentences.

1-Firstly,  describe the principle of utility advanced by Jeremy Bentham

2- Secondly, what’s the difference between specific deterrence and general deterrence?

3- Thirdly, what are truth-in-sentencing laws, and how do they work?

4- Additionally, what are community jails, and what’s their purpose?

5- Also, explain what a work-release program is and how it works.

6- In addition, what’s the difference between probation and parole?

7- Describe the concept of parens patriae

8- More so, explain the hands-off doctrine adopted by the Supreme Court from 1866 to 1963

9- Name two factors that explain a decrease in the use of incarceration.

10- Lastly, what’s patriarchy ?


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