Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Explain how many racist incidents there have been in English football

Explain how many racist incidents there have been in English football à can then extend as thus suggest that antiracism campaigns may not be as successful as people think.

Explain how many racist incidents there have been in English football

A Content Analysis on the #KickItOut Campaign – a general public.
Do I briefly outline what the research aims to do and its purpose?

Do I briefly outline the research method adopted?
Have I briefly reported the key findings of the research and what can be drawn from them?

Also, do I provide a list of key words that link to my research?

Overall, will the reader be able to gain a clear sense of the research if they were to only read this section?

Provide an opening gambit into what you study intends to do.
Explain what racism is.

Explain how many racist incidents there have been in English football à can then extend as thus suggest that antiracism campaigns may not be as successful as people think.

Discuss how racism may now be found not just in person but through online platforms with the advent of social media.

Explain there has been significant research into racism in sport, particularly football.
Explain how of this, a small amount has focused on the effectiveness of anti-racism campaigns.

Further, move onto how content analysis has rarely been used as a method used to

explore this, and a content analysis of social media even more rare.

Finish this section be highlighting key research objective of your study which is:

‘To explore the content provided by the general public surrounding the KickItOut Campaign.

More Details:

More than 150 football-related racist incidents were reported to police last season, Home Office figures show, a rise of more than 50% on the year before and more than double the number from three seasons ago.


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