Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Create a one-page handout that can be given to the new physicians that explain physician contracts, Hospital by-laws, Medical Staff by-laws, and the credentialing process

The CEO and Medical Staff Director were so impressed with the work that you completed on your last consulting assignment, that they have decided to hire you again. This time they would like you to work with a group of new physicians. These physicians will need to learn about the physician contract, the Medical Staff by-laws, the Hospital by-laws, and the credentialing process. Step One: Review the information from the American College of Physician on physician employment contracts. American College of Physicians (2017). Leading Internal Medicine, Improving Lives. (Links to an external site.) [Website] Step Two: Locate and review information on Hospital and Medical Staff By-laws Step Three: Locate and review information on the physician credentialing process Step Four: Create a one-page handout that can be given to the new physicians that explain physician contracts, Hospital by-laws, Medical Staff by-laws, and the credentialing process. This should not be written as a formal paper but as a quick at-a-glance reference sheet for new physicians.

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