Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Child with the FLU in NYC

I. Abstract (5pts) In one paragraph, briefly and concisely describe the issue you researched. Citations are not required. Summarize all of your paper but the lit review (look on-line for examples of ~250 word abstracts. II. Introduction (5pts) In no less than two paragraphs, briefly describe a health-related issue you see in your community or in health care settings. Citations are not required, but your introduction must address the following: 1. The problem that you will be researching 2. Methods that will be used to conduct the research 3. Why this is important and why the reader should care about the outcomes III. Background and Literature Review (5pts) State in more detail the problem you have identified and include data sources that support your claim (e.g., lack of physical activity in your community and data on physical activity rates from Healthy People 2020). This section should be 2-3 pages. The formatting of this section is as follows: 1. Provide no less than three paragraphs of detailed analysis of the problem you have identified, cite your sources. 2. Under the background section list 3-5 sources using APA citation style and number them accordingly 3. Provide a one paragraph summary under each source IV. Needs Assessment (5pts) Based on the problem you identified, describe how you would conduct a needs assessment. This section should be approximately one page. Your response should include: 1. Who are your key stakeholders? Why are they important to your research project? 2. Describe the needs assessment you will conduct and how it will gain useful input from the key stakeholders 3. What do you anticipate the needs assessment findings will tell you? 4. Will the key stakeholders be on board with your research project? Why? V. Develop Your Research Question and Hypotheses (5pts) Using the PICO method, develop a research question. Describe in detail the Population, Intervention, Control or Comparison, and Outcome. This section will be half of one page and should include: 1. Research Question 2. Research (Alternative) Hypothesis, indicate your independent vs dependent variable(s) 3. Null Hypothesis VI. Develop Your Evaluation Plan (5) All research projects should include an evaluation plan. This section is approximately half of one page and should provide: 1. One paragraph describing how you will measure success of the intervention proposed for your research project 2. A goal statement and objectives VII. Ethics (15pts) This section will be approximately 2-3 paragraphs or half of one page and you must answer: 1. Potential ethical risks 2. Steps to mitigate risk 3. Sensitivity analysis VIII. Methods (50pts) In this section you will describe in detail HOW you will conduct your research project. This section should be no less than 2-3 pages and must include the following: 1. Study Design a. What type of study design will you implement and why? b. If randomized control, describe your control and experimental groups 2. Population Sampling a. What are the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants and describe why b. How will you recruit participants c. What is the sample size for your study and how did you calculate 3. Setting a. Where will the research project take place and why did you choose this setting? 4. Data Collection- Quantitative a. What data collection instruments will be used and when? b. How were data collection instruments collected c. Are the tools you have selected validated? d. If not, what steps will be taken to ensure reliability and validity e. How will you 1. Input data for analysis and 2. Verify accuracy of data entry? 5. Data collection- Qualitative a. What types of qualitative data will be collected and when? 6. Describe the statistical analysis method that should be employed for analyzing the data collected. IX. References (5pts) Provide a reference page for all sources cited APA style

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