Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Book Review on The Hitler Myth by Ian Kershaw


This Needs to be a book review on The Hitler Myth by Ian Kershaw. These were some of the guidelines he gave us: What is the overall thesis, arc of the story, and how it reflects back on the thesis? Reflect on the sources-is it from popular culture (film, magazines), economics, statements from political leaders, material things (consumer goods), influential writers? How does the author balance human decision making with broader historical faceless aspects (like technological determinism) Be very clear distinguishing the author’s voice, from your voice. Example: Snyder argues abc, this is convincing because… Use your own voice to weigh in on how effective the author is Conclusion Not a restatement of introduction Has the book made you think differently about the topic? Does is raise more questions? Does it have lessons that are relevant in other contexts?

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