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Classical Writers

Behavior Analysis Interview-Reid Technique of Police Interrogation

This essay entails a Behavior Analysis Interview using the Reid Technique by  Police during an Interrogation. Behavior Analysis Interview is used in gaining information from suspects of a crime.

Behavior Analysis Interview-Reid Technique of Police Interrogation

The Reid Technique of police interrogation method of interviewing suspects.

Firstly, the behavior analysis interview (BAI) – After the interrogator identifies their suspect, they conduct a behavior analysis interview to pinpoint the suspects’ behavioral nuances and build trust with the suspect.

Secondly, the suspect is convinced of this through a multitude of techniques, including: interrogators talking over the suspect, interrogators talking in monologues and not letting the suspect speak, and interrogators reminding the suspect that they will surely face a harsh punishment.    

Thirdly, inesics is the study of non-verbal communication. The kinesic method for evaluation interviewees involves evaluating how their body language meshes with what they say. In addition to general visual cues, these motions are often quite effective in evaluating honesty. Law enforcement officers investigating a case look for certain behaviors that indicate guilt, commonly known as confession behaviors.

Also, these include slumping in a chair, crying, or taking on an explanatory tone of voice. Tactical kinesics involves a more aggressive approach to gleaning non-verbal data. These techniques are in law enforcement. They  get confessions from uncooperative suspects who tend to excel at deception.

Furthermore, since suspects and interviewees display so much non-verbal action with their words, investigators often use the narrative technique to gather as much kinesthetic data as possible. This method involves letting the subject do all the talking without the interruption. This technique also allows a baseline story to evolve, which the investigator can then dissect later for truthfulness.

Lastly, another method of investigative interviewing, known as the PEACE model, assumes the following: that a relaxed subject with whom the interviewer has rapport, is more likely to cooperate.


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