Classy Writers

Classical Writers

I. Weekday VS Weekend Dietary Comparison

I. Weekday VS Weekend Dietary Comparison

Compare your food intake for the weekend day versus the weekdays. Using the Dietary Guidelines for American’s (i.e. My Plate), do they differ according to the Dietary Guidelines for American’s (i.e. My Plate) standards? Do they differ in breakdown of carbohydrates, protein, and fat from the recommended diet according to the Dietary Goals? If there is, or is not, a difference, how do you think your weekend dietary habits would change your overall health status? Then, consider your body weight in the same way. Do you see a trend in how emotions play a role in eating behavior? If yes, explain the differences you noted. If no, how might you want to change your dietary habits to fit the recommended Diet? Did alcohol contribute to your caloric intake? 25
II. Carbohydrate Intake Analysis
Discuss carbohydrate intake. Make a table, listing all carbohydrate food choices in your diet and classify them as complex or simple. In addition, identify sources of fiber. Identify when a food source is “good source” or “excellent source”, to highlight whether any of your carbohydrate food choices are high in fiber. How can increasing your intake of complex carbohydrates/fiber along with reducing your intake of concentrated sweets improve your health status? 17
III. Fiber Intake Analysis
Comment on dietary fiber intake. If dietary fiber intake was below recommended amounts (don’t forget to define the recommended intake), what types of foods (and in what amounts) could you realistically add to your diet to increase fiber intake? If dietary fiber intake was adequate, what foods contributed significant amounts of fiber? (list them) 4
IV. Caloric Intake VS Caloric Needs Analysis
Evidence that student reflected their intake, activity, and data they used for computer analysis. Compare calorie intake (from your printout of your three day average) and calorie needs. Describe your daily activities and justify the activity factor you chose. Would you expect to lose, gain, or maintain weight if you consistently consumed this calorie level? If your graph predicts weight gain OR weight loss, would it be fat or muscle? Do you expect this to really happen? Why or why not? 15
V. BMI Analysis
Compare BMI results to standards in the text. (BMI is not percent body fat.) State results and evaluate against the appropriate standard. Would you maintain or change the results? Why? Is this method the most useful in assessing health risk? If there another method that would give you more useful information? 5
VI. Energy Balance Analysis
Considering your answers to questions IV and V, what changes do you need to make in energy balance? Do you need to increase or decrease calories and or change the amount of physical activity? What results would you want to achieve with these changes? 5
VII. Fat Analysis
Discuss the total percentage of calories from fat (recommended: 30% or less). Evaluate the percentage of saturated fat calories in your diet (recommended: 10% or less). Evaluate your cholesterol intake using the American Heart Association standard (maximum 300 mg). Are there any areas of concern in saturated fat, total fat, or cholesterol? How would your current eating habits be altered to control problem areas? Use specific examples from your food choices to illustrate. 25
VIII. Protein Analysis
Discuss your main sources of protein. Compare these sources with sources of saturated fat. How would eating plant protein vs. animal protein impact your saturated fat and total fat intakes? How does the use of plant protein instead of animal protein affect the protein quality of the diet? What are your concerns surrounding high protein diets? 25
IX. Vitamin & Mineral Intake and Analysis
Evaluate vitamins listed on the printout by comparing your intakes with 100% of the RDA (vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, calcium, and iron only). Using a table format, for each nutrient list symptoms of deficiencies or excesses. Note: Not based on you intake. Then list your results compared to the RDA percentage and identify those that are in the deficiency or excess range. Deficiency is less than 75%; excess is greater than 200%. How would you correct any deficiencies using foods you would really eat? Are excesses a concern? You must address each deficiency and each excess separately. 23
X. Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Analysis
Are you taking any vitamin or mineral supplements? If so, discuss supplement amounts compared with the amounts obtained in food. If not, are the supplements necessary based on your findings? Are there supplements you should be taking? 3
XI. Personal Dietary Characteristics
How well does your diet in general meet the characteristics of an excellent diet (adequacy, balance, calorie control, variety and moderation)? Define and compare your diet to each characteristic separately. 20
XII. Diet and Exercise Lifestyle – Changes & Goals
Considering all problem areas identified, list three specific changes you are willing to make to improve your personal nutrition habits. Set one goal for achieving each of these changes using specific examples of changes in food choices or habits. One of these changes is to be implemented immediately (such as switching to 1% milk), one to be implemented in the next six months (such as collect some recipes for vegetables) and a third to be implemented in the next year (such as exercising daily). 25
XIII. Calculations:
BMI, IBW, IBW range, % IBW, Kcal & Protein (typed with work shown) 7
XIV. Forms and Printouts
Complete Diet Analysis printout (Profile, Macro Nutrient Range, Fat Breakdown, Intake VS Goals, MyPlate Analysis, Intake Spreadsheet, Energy Balance, Daily Activity Logs) along with Food Intake Worksheets 36
Professional Presentation, Grammar, Spelling, Correct Folder, Properly ordered all required items, Proper font and word count, Other items such as correct use of in-text citations AND reference list. You MUST use at least 3 sources to support this paper. Sources must include your textbook, your Diet Analysis, AND a peer-reviewed research journal article of your choice. Print and submit your research article with your DA assignment. 15


This template is provided for use at your own risk.  When a conflict between this template and the assignment packet exists, the assignment packet takes precedence.  Specific instructions on using this template or on using your particular word processing program cannot be provided by the instructor.  When specific word processing or template questions arise, you are encouraged to consult the help files provided with your word processing program or University support services.



MUST convert this title page to APA!


Table of Contents (click to update)

SECTION 1 – Discussion and Analysis. 3

  1. Weekday VS Weekend Dietary Comparison. 3
  2. Carbohydrate Intake Analysis. 3

Carbohydrate Table. 3

III.        Fiber Intake Analysis. 4

  1. Caloric Intake VS Caloric Needs Analysis. 4

Calorie Graph. 4

  1. BMI Analysis. 4
  2. Energy Balance Analysis. 4

VII.       Fat Analysis. 4

VIII.      Protein Analysis. 4

  1. Vitamin & Mineral Intake and Analysis. 4

Vitamin & Mineral Table. 5

  1. Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Analysis. 5
  2. Personal Dietary Characteristics. 5

XII.       Diet and Exercise Lifestyle – Changes & Goals. 5

XIII.      Calculations. 6

SECTION 2 – Presentation of Data. 6

XIV.      Forms and Printouts. 6

Complete 3-Day Diet Analysis Printout 6

Food Intake and Activity Worksheet – Weekday 1. 7

Food Intake and Activity Worksheet – Weekday 2. 8

Food Intake and Activity Worksheet – Weekend Day. 9

  1. Grade Sheet 10




SECTION 1 – Discussion and Analysis

I.                   Weekday VS Weekend Dietary Comparison

II.                Carbohydrate Intake Analysis

Carbohydrate Table

CHO Foods Simple CHO Complex CHO % of DV Definition

III.             Fiber Intake Analysis



IV.              Caloric Intake VS Caloric Needs Analysis

Calorie Graph

Right click and then choose “Edit Data” to customize

V.                 BMI Analysis

VI.              Energy Balance Analysis

VII.           Fat Analysis

VIII.        Protein Analysis

IX.              Vitamin & Mineral Intake and Analysis


Vitamin & Mineral Table







% of Intake Deficiency

< 75 %


> 200%

* WNL Toxicity Deficiency
Vitamin D
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin C
  1. Within Normal Limits (WNL)
  2. List all nutrients from the assignment details.
  3. Fully define the toxicity AND deficiency for ALL nutrients listed.

X.                 Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Analysis

XI.              Personal Dietary Characteristics

XII.           Diet and Exercise Lifestyle – Changes & Goals

XIII.        Calculations



IBW Range

% of IBW

Calories (i.e. Kcal – Estimated energy needs)

Protein needs

SECTION 2 – Presentation of Data

XIV.        Forms and Printouts

Complete 3-Day Diet Analysis Printout


The following pages reflect the complete 3 Day Diet Analysis printouts.

(Insert Diet Analysis printout pages here in your final assembly of this portfolio)


Food Intake and Activity Worksheet – Weekday 1

Day of Week:  _______________Date:  _______________

Food/Beverage/Supplement Description (brand, preparation method) Amount Emotions
Daily Activity Log
Activity Duration (in minutes) Intensity

Low Med High

Food Intake and Activity Worksheet – Weekday 2

Day of Week:  _______________Date:  _______________

Food/Beverage/Supplement Description (brand, preparation method) Amount Emotions


      Reference page in APA format

Aalto, A. M., & Uutela, A. (1997). Glycemic control, self-care behaviors, and

psychosocial factors among insulin treated diabetics: A test of an extended health               belief model. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 4(3) 191-214.


How to use in-text citations:

  1. Aalto and Uutela (1997) conducted an empirical study utilizing the HBM, locus of control, self-efficacy, health value, and social support models.
  2. Girvan and Reese (1990) used parts of the HBM to assess aerobic exercise behavior patterns among university students. The results of this study, according to Girvan et al. (1990), were consistent with previous research in that “the HBM variables predict prospective teachers’ attitudes toward the importance and impact of role modeling exercise behavior to any great extent” (p. 23).
  3. Some nutrition and health experts supported lawmakers who were attempting to force fast-food establishments to take responsibility for their alleged contribution to the obesity trends in the United States (Mello, Rimm, & Studdert, 2003).



XVII.     Grade Sheet

NAME:  _______________________                                    CLASS:  ________________________

Criteria & Points – 250 Points Total   Points
I.  Weekday VS Weekend Dietary Comparison

Compare your food intake for the weekend day versus the weekdays.  Using the Dietary Guidelines for American’s (i.e. My Plate), do they differ according to the Dietary Guidelines for American’s (i.e. My Plate) standards?  Do they differ in breakdown of carbohydrates, protein, and fat from the recommended diet according to the Dietary Goals?  If there is, or is not, a difference, how do you think your weekend dietary habits would change your overall health status? Then, consider your body weight in the same way. Do you see a trend in how emotions play a role in eating behavior?  If yes, explain the differences you noted.  If no, how might you want to change your dietary habits to fit the recommended Diet?  Did alcohol contribute to your caloric intake?

II. Carbohydrate Intake Analysis

Discuss carbohydrate intake.  Make a table, listing all carbohydrate food choices in your diet and classify them as complex or simple. In addition, identify sources of fiber. Identify when a food source is “good source” or “excellent source”, to highlight whether any of your carbohydrate food choices are high in fiber. How can increasing your intake of complex carbohydrates/fiber along with reducing your intake of concentrated sweets improve your health status?

III. Fiber Intake Analysis

Comment on dietary fiber intake.  If dietary fiber intake was below recommended amounts (don’t forget to define the recommended intake), what types of foods (and in what amounts) could you realistically add to your diet to increase fiber intake?  If dietary fiber intake was adequate, what foods contributed significant amounts of fiber? (list them)

IV. Caloric Intake VS Caloric Needs Analysis

Evidence that student reflected their intake, activity, and data they used for computer analysis.  Compare calorie intake (from your printout of your three day average) and calorie needs. Describe your daily activities and justify the activity factor you chose.  Would you expect to lose, gain, or maintain weight if you consistently consumed this calorie level?  If your graph predicts weight gain OR weight loss, would it be fat or muscle?  Do you expect this to really happen?  Why or why not?

V. BMI Analysis

Compare BMI results to standards in the text.  (BMI is not percent body fat.)  State results and evaluate against the appropriate standard.  Would you maintain or change the results?  Why? Is this method the most useful in assessing health risk?  If there another method that would give you more useful information?

VI. Energy Balance Analysis

Considering your answers to questions IV and V, what changes do you need to make in energy balance?  Do you need to increase or decrease calories and or change the amount of physical activity?  What results would you want to achieve with these changes?

VII. Fat Analysis

Discuss the total percentage of calories from fat (recommended: 30% or less).  Evaluate the percentage of saturated fat calories in your diet (recommended: 10% or less).  Evaluate your cholesterol intake using the American Heart Association standard (maximum 300 mg). Are there any areas of concern in saturated fat, total fat, or cholesterol? How would your current eating habits be altered to control problem areas? Use specific examples from your food choices to illustrate.

VIII. Protein Analysis

Discuss your main sources of protein.  Compare these sources with sources of saturated fat.  How would eating plant protein vs. animal protein impact your saturated fat and total fat intakes? How does the use of plant protein instead of animal protein affect the protein quality of the diet? What are your concerns surrounding high protein diets?

IX. Vitamin & Mineral Intake and Analysis          

Evaluate vitamins listed on the printout by comparing your intakes with 100% of the RDA (vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, calcium, and iron only).  Using a table format, for each nutrient list symptoms of deficiencies or excesses. Note: Not based on you intake. Then list your results compared to the RDA percentage and identify those that are in the deficiency or excess range. Deficiency is less than 75%; excess is greater than 200%. How would you correct any deficiencies using foods you would really eat? Are excesses a concern? You must address each deficiency and each excess separately.

X. Vitamin & Mineral Supplement Analysis

Are you taking any vitamin or mineral supplements?  If so, discuss supplement amounts compared with the amounts obtained in food.  If not, are the supplements necessary based on your findings?  Are there supplements you should be taking?

XI. Personal Dietary Characteristics

How well does your diet in general meet the characteristics of an excellent diet (adequacy, balance, calorie control, variety and moderation)? Define and compare your diet to each characteristic separately.

XII. Diet and Exercise Lifestyle – Changes & Goals

Considering all problem areas identified, list three specific changes you are willing to make to improve your personal nutrition habits. Set one goal for achieving each of these changes using specific examples of changes in food choices or habits. One of these changes is to be implemented immediately (such as switching to 1% milk), one to be implemented in the next six months (such as collect some recipes for vegetables) and a third to be implemented in the next year (such as exercising daily).

XIII. Calculations: 

BMI, IBW, IBW range, % IBW, Kcal & Protein (typed with work shown)

XIV. Forms and Printouts

Complete Diet Analysis printout (Profile, Macro Nutrient Range, Fat Breakdown, Intake VS Goals, MyPlate Analysis, Intake Spreadsheet, Energy Balance, Daily Activity Logs) along with Food Intake Worksheets


Professional Presentation, Grammar, Spelling, Correct Folder, Properly ordered all required items, Proper font and word count, Other items such as correct use of in-text citations AND reference list. You MUST use at least 3 sources to support this paper. Sources must include your textbook, your Diet Analysis, AND a peer-reviewed research journal article of your choice. Print and submit your research article with your DA assignment.



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