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Classical Writers

What is the management-research question hierarchy

Instructions: What is the management-research question hierarchy for Akron Children’s Hospital? What are the advantages/disadvantages of an observation study for this research?

What is the management-research question hierarchy

From the Akron’s Children’s Hospital, Part A case, answer the following questions:
More so, what is the management-research question hierarchy for Akron Children’s Hospital?

Also, what are the advantages/disadvantages of an observation study for this research?

What does the brand promise recommendation reveal about what researchers experienced and concluded from their study?

If you were designing such an observation study, what would you direct researchers to record/look for/listen for?

What ethical issues would surface in hospital studies in general and this study in particular?

More Details:

Once a topic has been decided, it is tempting to go straight into the information gathering phase to get the project underway.

However, the old advice about examination technique applies very strongly indeed to management research – before launching into the answer, take a little time to plan the approach.

A few days, or even a few hours, spent on putting together a really good plan will pay enormous dividends.

A good plan is one which, however revise d, is broadly adhere d to and leads to a successful conclusion.

This is a crucial point – a plan which is made simply to pay lip service to the idea of making a plan and is then ignored can be worse than no plan at all.

Efficient project work demands a schedule in which activities are given starting and finishing dates and, where appropriate, resource requirements should be indicate d.

A key resource in management research is time. For part-time programmes such as the Executive MBA or other executive development programmes, students will mostly be managers with a full-time job as well.

It is an unusual organization which permits day-to-day responsibility to be unload ed whilst a project is being undertake n.



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