Classy Writers

Classical Writers

What expectations of membership are on those in the group by leadership?

This is a paper that is focusing on What expectations of membership are on those in the group by leadership?

What expectations of membership are on those in the group by leadership?

So, what expectations of membership are placed on those in the group by leadership?
What does the group teach about one’s responsibility to (a) one’s neighbour; (b) one’s community; and (c) the world?

What does the group teach about one’s relationship to the broader culture?
What is the greatest cultural challenge facing the group?7. Write a4-6-page Sociological Analysis. Your paper should contain 4-6-pages of content, not including a title page and a work cited/reference section. Be sure to consult a style guide for proper formatting, page numbering, etc. T

In the body of your paper, begin with a brief history of the local congregation you attended.(This is to be no more than 1 to 1 ½ pages.)You don’t need to repeat all that you included in your historical background paper. Simply summarize what was previously said and then add any new details about your local group you learned during your field work.
Describe the type of leadership the group has, e.g., a single autonomous leader, board-led (e.g. elders/deacons, etc.), congregation led.
Describe the worship experience and to what level you participated.
Also, describe the content of the interview with the leader and analyse his/her responses to your question from a sociological (not a psychological or theological) standpoint.

Conclude with your own observations about the group’s relationship to the general culture. For example, Has it elected to accommodate modernity or does it stand against the culture? What challenges do you think it faces from within the group as well as from the culture at large? This should be your longest and most carefully written section, including theoretical material from the course. Remember that this is a sociological analysis.


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