Classy Writers

Classical Writers

What decision-making should be involved in the case

What decision-making should be involved in the case that you selected and why.Should the juvenile be treated as an adult? Explain your rationale. Should blended sentencing

What decision-making should be involved in the case

For the Week 6 case study, you will review one of the cases listed on the main course page under the Week 6 Case
Study assignment and answer the following questions:

1) What decision-making should be involved in the case that you selected and why.
2) Should the juvenile be treated as an adult? Explain your rationale.

3) Lastly, should blended sentencing be involve d? Why or why not.
In addition, it is not sufficient to state your opinions;

you must be able to:
demonstrate your understanding of the case study information by accurately explaining the relevant concepts

use the facts listed in the case study and the concepts in the textbook to draw your own conclusions demonstrate exceptional critical thinking skills

apply the relevant concepts from the textbook chapters to the case study correctly
include facts from the case study to support your own position

Your case study analysis is to be a minimum of 2 complete pages in length. Going over the minimum page length requirement is acceptable; however, I am not looking for a 5+ page essay.

More so, be as thorough as possible when writing your responses, and remember, this is an academic assignment, so no “text-talk,” no conversational tone, and ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS…

don’t plagiarize!! Lastly, spell-check and
proofread your work! Failure to follow these steps will negatively impact your grade.

More Details:

Juvenile justice is a highly varied process that is shap ed by law and driven by local practice.

Youth coming into the justice system—usually after an arrest by law enforcement—are screen ed and assess ed by various organizations and individuals.

Lastly, the charges against them are reviewe d for legal sufficiency.


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