Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Volunteered paper – What? (What did you do); How did you work with other people?

a. “What? (What did you do); How did you work with other people? I volunteered at the rec center with the Red Cross for 10 hours. I helped by serving people the snacks and water. I handed out snacks to those that donated blood and kept them distracted from looking at the needle by talking to them. I also stood outside in the parking lot to help direct the traffic. I let people know where they could park and which way to go. b. “So, what” (So what did you learn from that experience); I am learning how to volunteer and help people without get paid. It always c. “Now What” (Now what would you do differently as a manager as a result of your learning experience – based on concepts you have learned not only in this class, but in courses across your discipline? How will you use knowledge from MTSU courses (and your life experience) to address what you found in the organization as unworkable, possibly unethical, and/or frustrating? In the future, how will you use this information to better manage your workforce? Use the MTEngage Rubric (attached in your Community Service project dropbox) to guide your responses and be sure to reference information from your Understanding Management textbook. d. What did you learn about yourself? What skills did you learn you had, ones you could develop? What did you like or not like? How is this experience useful in your personal life?

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