Classy Writers

Classical Writers

The use of analytics in digital marketing

This item of assessment covers the following learning outcomes. For the full list of learning outcomes for the module, please refer to the Module Study Guide. • Understand the digital landscape and explain how it differs from traditional marketing management. • Understand and explain the technology, tools and techniques utilised in the changing digital marketing environment including the drivers of consumers’ online behaviour. • Identify and evaluate the evolving role of digital marketing within an organisation. • Explain the technology and management of data and analytics that drive digital marketing and underpin its success. • Plan, implement and control a digital marketing campaign making use of frameworks, tools and techniques current in the industry, with the aid of simulation software, and evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. • Explain the facets of the digital consumer and the research tools that enable such an explanation. • Identify and evaluate the legal and ethical issues surrounding the capture, storage and use of customer data in a digital marketing context.

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