Classy Writers

Classical Writers

The New Negro. How does this figure differ from the “old” negro?

The New Negro. How does this figure differ from the “old” negro? To what extent does this figure correspond to an actual social type, and to what extent might it be an idealization? What might Locke’s purpose be in idealizing the new negro?

The New Negro. How does this figure differ from the “old” negro?

Write a page or so (250 words +) addressing the following questions about “The New Negro.”

Use two or three selected passages to orient or support your points: What does Locke mean by the “new” negro?

How does this figure differ from the “old” negro? To what extent does this figure correspond to an actual social type, and to what extent might it be an idealization? What might Locke’s purpose be in idealizing the new negro?

Then, consider this:
What influence do you think Locke had on the artists of the New Negro Movement? Can this influence be seen today?

What issues of importance to Locke and the New Negro Movement generally are still of concern today?

Choose lines, phrases, or passages from poems in this module that reflect your answer on Locke. If you like, you may choose lines or passages from contemporary black poets or writers that you are familiar with, as well.

Then, create a visual representation of this “constellation” of reflections on one or more “The New Negro” themes.

In other words, show the influence Locke may have had on black poetry in a visual way using an arrangement of poetic lines (don’t forget to credit each poet).

Note: this is a creative project that is anchored in what you have learned from the writing in this module, so make sure to:

1. demonstrate your critical understanding of Locke and your familiarity with the poets and poems, and . . .

2. have fun expressing your understanding visually. (Don’t worry–there is no pressure to be artistic.

This is about breaking through the conventions of learning just a bit to use different modes.)


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