Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Socioeconomic status indicators income, poverty, educational attainment

Socioeconomic status indicators income, poverty, educational attainment, employment rate, professions, any others you want to include ) Health status indicators

Socioeconomic status indicators income, poverty, educational attainment

Your paper(20%; 20 pagesor less) should include all the information from your presentation and:

Population trends
(1980-2010, and projectionsto 2050)

Socioeconomic status indicators income, poverty, educational attainment, employment rate, professions, any others you want to include )

Health status indicators (birth rate, death rate, life expectancy, fertility, major morbidities)

Local news sources

Local community resources

Tables/charts within the paper or as an appendix

Lastly, explanations for all tables/charts

Also, context: provide factual information about the people and/or geography to help interpret the data(i.e., historical, social, political, religions, languages, ethnic

More so, comparison: you may provide information about other states/territories/groupsto create a sense of scale or magnitude.

However, do not editorialize about the differences.•Use APA style footnotes and bibliography.

More Details:

In addition, studies of social determinants of health have repeatedly found socioeconomic inequalities in health.

People with lower socioeconomic status (SES) have, on average, poorer health and die younger than those with more favourable SES. Socioeconomic inequalities in health persist into old age .

The results from a comparative study showe d that the magnitude of inequality in morbidity in eleven European countries varied, however, health inequalities in all age groups were observed in all countries .

As most morbidity and mortality occurs in old age, these inequalities may affect a substantial proportion of the older population and increase the economic burden of public spending as the population ages.

Also, in studies of health inequalities in later life, SES is most commonly operationalised as either education, social class, or income – and often without providing a rationale for the choice of indicator .

Lastly, the overarching aim of this study was to explore how the three most common indicators of SES (education, social class, and income) are associate d with health in old age. Attachments

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