Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Read Robert Frost’s “Out, Out—“ and W. H. Auden’s “Musée des Beaux

Guideline: Read Robert Frost’s “Out, Out—“ and W. H. Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts“ (French for “Museum of Fine Arts”). Then write a one-page double-spaced essay comparing

Read Robert Frost’s “Out, Out—“ and W. H. Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts

Read Robert Frost’s “Out, Out—“ and W. H. Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts“ (French for “Museum of Fine Arts”).

1.Then write a one-page double-spaced essay comparing and contrasting the subjects (that is, the content or “stories” of the two poems). How are they similar?

How are they different? (You will have to describe the subject
before you can comment on it.)

Use details, significant words and images, from the poems to support your thesis
statement and topic sentences.

2.Remember that, when you compare, you write about similar things; when you contrast, you write about disparate / different things.

3.Remember also that subject means the narrated “story” itself, not its meaning or theme.

4.Use APA format. If you include quotations from other writers (researched material), please list the authors, titles, publishers, and pages quoted from.

Follow the APA format rules for the different kinds of citations (one author, two
authors, one or two authors in a book or in a magazine, etc.).

Remember, Wikepedia is NOT a reliable source, and cannot be used.

More Details:

The poem is separated into two stanzas; the first talking about everyday life going on no matter what happens, and the second talking about the painting where Icarus is falling.

The word choice is purposely childish in the first stanza, with words like “doggy.”

The author of the poem uses references such as the birth or Crucifixion of Christ and the fall of Icarus and comparing those major events to what happens in other everyday lives at the same time.

He is saying that even though these major events are happening in other lives, all the normal people are going on with their normal routine. In the line where he says,

“That even the dreadful martyrdom must run its course/Anyhow in a corner, some untidy spot/Where the dogs go on with their doggy life and the torturers horse/Scratches its innocent behind on a tree.”



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