Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Mr. Khalil is a 67-year-old man who weighs 75 kg and 170 cm tall

Mr. Khalil is a 67-year-old man who weighs 75 kg and 170 cm tall. He is a taxi driver and lives alone in a studio apartment. He works 12-hour shifts, 6 days a week

Mr. Khalil is a 67-year-old man who weighs 75 kg and 170 cm tall

Question 1
Mr. Khalil is a 67-year-old man who weighs 75 kg and 170 cm tall.

Firstly, he is a taxi driver and lives alone in a studio apartment. He works 12-hour shifts, 6 days a week and does not do any exercise.

Secondly, he also eats out most of the time and likes to drink sugary soda with his meals.

He has just gone for his annual health screening and results indicated that he has a Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and has hypertension.

You have just started working as a Care Coordinator in a community clinic.

You have been tasked to create a care plan for Mr. Khalil. Using ONE of his chronic diseases, design a comprehensive plan which aims to assist Mr. Khalil to manage his chronic conditions.

You may use the template below to guide your answer.
Word limit:  1000- 1300 Words

In this assignment I would you to select Type 2 diabetes Mellitus to answer the question below :

Chronic Disease Identified
(Overview of the chronic disease chosen)
(less than 120 words)

(Identify and apply TWO relevant assessment tools)
(less than 300 words )

Targeted Goals/Outcomes
(Determine FIVE goals / outcomes in relation to the client’s desired goals)
(less than 300 words )

Interventions and Evaluation
(Action plan)
(less than 600 words )

(5 marks)

See example of the draft writing below you may correct/ edit and expand .

Chronic Disease Identified

Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living (ADL) or both.

Mr Khalik in this case study has 2 chronic illness that is Diabetes Mellitus and hypertension.



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