Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Essay debate on conversation wherein two (or more) viewpoints are argued respectively

1) Watch the recorded video debate below: Maj Toure vs. Chelsea Parsons – A Debate on Gun Control (“Maybe I’m Wrong About Gun Control”) Duration: (1:15:20) (If present, you do not have to watch any Q & A session for this assignment.) 2) Pay attention to one or two (no more than two) specific arguments that you find yourself disagreeing with or find somewhat weak and in need of refinement. Monitor how the various parties exchange criticisms pertaining to that argument(s). 3) Write up your results in a 2+ page essay that incorporate the principles you have learned in this course. Content of Essay: Here are some specific instructions about what to include in your essay: 1) Summarize how the specific argument(s) were discussed in the presentation. Be sure to exercise charity in how you present the argument(s) and its noted criticisms. 2) Offer up a personal commentary on why you think the argument(s) was either not convincing or was not as strong as it could be. Be sure to integrate the relevant principles addressed in this course in your commentary. Example: “I disagree with Mr. Smith’s argument where he says, ‘The law says that insane people should not be punished; and it is obvious that anyone who murders must be insane. So, murderers should be treated in mental wards, not punished.’ It looks like Mr. Smith is equivocating on the word ‘insane’ where it means something like ‘legally insane’ in the first premise; but then it means something more like ‘abnormally cruel’ in the second premise. Since this is not a research paper, it is not important to include a bibliography unless you cite material outside of the video content. If you do cite external material, be sure to include it either as an end note or as a bibliography.


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