Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Edward Burtynsky Bernd and Hilla becher Candida Hofer Helene Binet Research the following photographers and write a response (200 words or more) on one image by each

 Research how the use of the large format camera is crucial in the following photographers’ works. Write a response for each (at least 200 words each) include at least 3 images that you find most interesting by each photographer.

 Edward Burtynsky Bernd and Hilla becher Candida Hofer Helene Binet Research the following photographers and write a response (200 words or more) on one image by each, which you consider as their best. The selected image has to be included in the document, it can be in color or black and white. In your response explain how lighting, pose, expression, depth of field, makeup or other factors contribute to the strength of that specific image. Annie Leibovitz Peter Lindbergh David Levinthal *The important, please use the simple wards

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