Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Describe the agency that houses the program you are reviewing

Describe the agency that houses the program you are reviewing. First identify the agency, its current leader, and the purpose of the agency itself.

Describe the agency that houses the program you are reviewing

There are essentially five steps to be followed in completing the second paper for PAD 314.97 this semester:

1) Describe the agency that houses the program you are reviewing.
First identify the agency, its current leader, and the purpose of the agency itself.

Then provide some background and history on the agency, highlighting how it has become the organization it is today.

Identifying the Agency: NYPD Auxiliary Program
Current leader: Deputy Inspector Emmanuel Gonzalez, Commanding Officer
Purpose of the agency: Auxiliary officers are additional man power while on the street extra eye and ears for the program.

The program is volunteer who want to assist with helping out the community to reduced crime rate in there community.

Highlighting: Some of the members have an opportunity to become cops either in NYPD or another law enforcement agency NYC or out of state.

2) Describe the program.
In addition, first identify the program, and explain its purpose. Explain what problem the program is intended to resolve, and how it is supposed to achieve this change.
Program: Aux members assist with non-enforcement and non-hazardous duties.

3) Analyze the mission statement for the program.
Also, identify if the program has a mission statement.

More so, if it does have one, present it in the paper and critique it using Hatry’s formula discussed above.

If it does not have a mission statement, create and present one for the program using the Hatry formula.

4) Develop a logic model for the program.

Building off of what you have learned about the program, present a logic model that addresses the main points from the mission statement discussed in item 3 (above).

You might have to modify an existing logic model for the program,
or develop your own.

The logic model should at least include categories for inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes.
We will discuss logic models in depth next week.

5) Create some performance indicators for the logic model.
Once the logic model is presented, and it maps to the mission statement, you will be in position to create some performance indicators.

These measures should explore areas included in the inputs, activities, outputs and
outcomes of the logic model. It is to the discussion of performance indicators that we now turn.


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