Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Critical book review of The Lucifer Effect

Now that you have read The Lucifer Effect in it’s entirety, it’s time to write a critical book review. Note that a critical book review is NOT a book report (a summary of the contents of a book). A critical book review should examine and discuss the ideas, concepts, and arguments of the book. Look at the book critically, like a movie review. The required reading on Critique will help you understand how to write such a critical review. Please make sure to address the following points in your critical book review of The Lucifer Effect: Briefly state the book’s thesis (in a few sentences) and purpose (what does the author hope to accomplish?). Does the author prove and support his thesis? Use specific examples of sections in the book (even if you state that the thesis was not proved, provide evidence of why this is true). Does the author achieve his purpose? If so, how? If not, why not? Does the author approach the topic with any biases that influence his conclusions? What are the strengths of the book? Weaknesses? Inform the reader of your review of any shortcomings or notable sections that the book presents. Would you recommend this book to another person? Why/ why not? If you’d like some examples of a book review, consider visiting the New York Times website as they provide book reviews on new/popular titles. This critical book review should be at least 400 words minimum. this is the book link. Please find “the lucifer effect” this book on the website if the link did not work.

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