Classy Writers

Classical Writers

Analyse a real-life negotiation that took place in the entrepreneurial setting

Analyse a real-life negotiation that took place in the entrepreneurial setting by using public information and what you have learned in class. The purpose of this

Analyse a real-life negotiation that took place in the entrepreneurial setting

Assignment instructions
Analyse a real-life negotiation that took place in the entrepreneurial setting by using public information and what you have learned in class.

The purpose of this assessment is to apply the framework and insights you have gained
through the module and demonstrate that you can competently read, interpret, and analyse negotiations in entrepreneurial settings.

You can choose any negotiation case that has entrepreneurial significance. Examples include, cases related to the funding of a new venture, the recruitment of new team members, the formation of the founding team, the sale of a start-up, conflicts that occurred within the venture, among others.

More so, it is advisable that you choose a case in which there is enough material from public sources to allow for an in-depth examination of negotiation dynamics. You are expected to cite the material that informs your analysis, but you should not limit your essay to a summary of the case or what was reported in public sources.

Additionally, in your essay, I expect you to:
Identify the parties involved and their interests, positions, and relationships

Also, identify and summarise the unfolding of events and the key decisions
More so, discuss the cognitive (biases, emotions), interpersonal, and contextual factors that shape d the negotiation process and outcome

Also, reflect on what went wrong/right, why, and how the situation could have been handle d

differently (what the parties could have done better and why)

To inform your analysis, I recommend you look for diverse data like news articles, interviews, and press releases.

Lastly, major news outlets and entrepreneurial magazines are usually a good place to start.
You have the liberty to organise the case in a way that you think is effective.


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