Classy Writers

Classical Writers

June, 2019

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Ontario’s Childcare Cuts

Write an op-ed about Early Childhood Education and some of the ethical issues that need to be made in relation to this sector. Think about a recent issue that has been in the media or an issue that you have been thinking about/talking about. Research about: • the children’s health, policy, or ethical issue; • the service delivery of the care related to this issue; • the collaborative approaches to this issue, and • the public and private considerations related to this issue. Cast an ethical light upon this researched discussion and write about: • the types of relationships that are created between individuals and the early childhood providers/system; • the issues of choice and access as they are relevant to this issue; • the assessment of the impact of the issue on individuals and on society, and • the individual and societal impact of the care available. please write about the Canadian topic ” ONTARIO’S CHILDCARE CUTS” it will be as if we want to publish it in newspaper in an opinion page.

Massachusetts General Hospital’s Pre-Admission Testing Area (PATA) Case Study

Using the knowledge you gained in the Management Theory I & II courses about leadership and management conduct an analysis of the case. Use all of the information given in the case study. Discuss the patient flow project at the hospital. Consider how patient flow can effect how patients perceive customer service at a medical facility. Also consider how patient flow can impact other services of the clinic and/or hospital. You should analyze the impact on the organization, the workers, leadership, and the customers.

Gender Issues and psychiatric and PMHNP effects

What major issues must you be aware of when working with children and adolescents who are gender non-conforming or who are transgender? What are the implications of these issues for you as a Psychiatric and Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP)? Rubric: – Introduction – Identification of Major Issues – Rationale for Issues – Implications for Practice – Conclusion


An Annotated Bibliography focuses on the sources you used as support for your persuasive essay from Week 8. The main difference between this assignment and a regular list of sources is the inclusion of brief annotations for each source.your evaluation of each source, and your rationale for choosing it, will be considered. For hints on creating your own annotated bibliography, I encourage you to spend some time with the following resource from the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University: (Links to an external site.) 


Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl- Harriet Jacobs

1) Who was “Harriet Jacobs”? Provide a brief overview of her life. 2) How does she describe her family life? Who were her closest friends and acquaintances among her fellow slaves? Who were the most important people in her life? Explain why she found them so important. 3) How does Jacobs describes her relationship with her white owner? In particular, discuss her problems with Mr. Flint and her attempts to deal with him and her demands. To what lengths does she go to escape from and avoid him? Why does she imply that slavery was harder for female slaves than for male slaves? 4) Discuss the most important ways that Jacobs attempts to deal with and resist the demands of slavery. What strategies did she use? What actions did she take? 5) What role did Nat Turner’s rebellion and the fugitive slave law play in Jacobs account of her life? Why did they especially disturb her? 6) After reading incidents, what do you believe were the most troubling aspects of being a slave? 7) What did you think of the book? Would you recommend it? Why 

What is really real? that is what is the makeup of ultimate reality?

In this paper you will be presenting an opinion of your own in response to a philosophical issue. An “issue” is typically understood to represent something controversial. Oftentimes, an issue is presented in the form of a question, in response to which different people and philosophical schools have presented different answers and have supported these answers with reasons. Some of the issues we’ve discussed in class appear below: 1. What is really real? That is, what is the makeup of ultimate reality? Part 1 (Introduction) For your paper, choose ONE of the issues above. In your introductory paragraph, you should give a clear statement of the philosophical question you are addressing. Your opening paragraph should also mention the main point you plan to put forth. Some possible ideas for a main point for your paper could be as follows. For example, 1) it could be the case that you find a view introduced by one philosopher to be more convincing than another. 2) Or, it could be the case that you have an opinion of your own that is based in the combining of the views of two different philosophers. 3) Or, you could have a completely separate view of your own, in which case you would show how your own opinion is more convincing than views we’ve discussed during the semester. 4) Or, you could make the case that you have not seen a convincing response to the issue you discuss. 5) Or, you can say that while some philosophers have had some good ideas on a particular issue, something is still missing. These are just some possibilities. You’re overall thesis is up to you. In your essay you should discuss at least ONE but no more than TWO philosophers or philosophical schools that we’ve studied during the semester. The introduction is important because here you explain to reader what is to come in your paper and why the reader should take an interest in reading it. The reader should look forward to finding out about your take on a particular issue and also about how you plan to give support to your own claim. Also, here in your introduction, it’s helpful to indicate, in a general way, what you plan to say in the remainder of your paper. (25%) Part 2 A. In the second part of the paper, you’ll discuss your topic in further detail and make a good case for your conclusion, or opinion. Make sure to give a clear description, in your own words, of the philosophical ideas you introduce. If you use any quotations in this section, please make sure that the quotes are not simply speaking for you; rather, whenever you introduce a quote you should take care to explain to the reader in your own words what the quote is trying to say and why you find it significant. B. In the body of your essay, you should also include an assessment of a possible objection that someone could make to your claim. This would be an honest effort to take into account a view that would be opposed to your own and an answer as to how you would overcome this objection. To come up with a possible objection to your thesis you would not have to look very far, since throughout the semester we’ve examined a number of philosophical views that have been at odds with each other. This discussion should build toward a conclusion that would emphasize for the reader why your own view is the correct one. (50%) Part 3 Your paper should be clearly written with a minimum of grammatical/structural errors. Your essay should show some original thinking and you should avoid clichés or a simple rehash of points that appear in the textbook or class notes. (25%)

Freud’s psychoanalytic theory

This is a research paper on Freud’s psychoanalytic theory

Are farms using too much water?


Disagree that farms are using too much water. Explain why they arent using too much water

Stakeholder analysis

Outline all the stakeholders – Outline the benefits of partnership for both parties – Stakeholder analysis

LEED Construction Criteria

The intent of this assignment is to evaluate a single development (unique building or complex) with regards to sustainable development. Select a project from the following Website ( and ) explain how it meets the LEED Certification Criteria and Green building and Sustainability practices and standards.